This video is the start of a series about how to improve our kidney function through the correct, kidney friendly diet.
But I don’t like to call it a diet. This is more a kidney restoring program.
It provides you the easiest way to give your kidneys all the nutrients they need to fight the disease, without introducing harmful toxins.
Before we start, who is going to benefit more from this video?
For whom am I making this video?
If you:
Suffer from chronic kidney disease, stage 2 to 5
want to delay kidney failure and dialysis by up to 3 years
want to know what natural ingredients and herbal remedies you can use to improve you renal function
and if you have symptoms like being over-tired, swollen hands or feet, itchy skin and difficulty sleeping
Then this video is for you!
And you absolutely need to watch it until the end. All these problems can be vastly improved, if not completely solved, following this easy, step by step program.
How are we going to do that?
The method that I have developed is more than a renal diet. And it’s a lot easier to follow than a regular diet.
No keeping track of nutrients, no annoying meal planning and no measuring food or other bothersome tasks.
Why? Because people only follow strict diets for the first few days or weeks and then start disregarding the diet completely. I’ve seen this a thousand times. This is why my method is a lot easier.
There are foods that damage our kidneys and foods that can help healing them.
The tricky part is understanding what are the good ones and what are the bad ones for you.
The same diet won’t work for everyone. A food healthy for patient A can be dangerous for patient B. And even the quantity plays a big role. Too much protein can put a strain on your kidneys, while too few can cause a dietary deficiency. Too many calories will make you gain weight, too few calories and you’ll start feeling even more tired.
This may look complicated, but if you keep watching I’ll show you an easy and very effective strategy to tell what’s wrong and what’s right for your kidney diet.
Yes, I’m putting together this video series to help you exactly understand what’s good and what’s bad FOR YOU.
Watch the video to know what you should absolutely avoid in your renal diet
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