Thursday, June 25, 2020

Stop inflammation in the body. Let's talk about "poop".

Let's talk about "POOP".

1. Poop is made up of mostly water, about 75%! The remaining 25% is a stinky combination of fiber, bacteria, cells and mucous.

2. Bile is a greenish fluid produced in the liver that aids in the digestion of fat and can alter the color of your poop.

3. On average it can take 7 seconds for food to travel through the esophagus to the stomach and up 72 hours to travel from the stomach through the intestinal tract.

4. You are what you eat. Although food and medications are the primary color contributors, if your poop has an alarming hue, you may want to call your doctor.


- Fiber is your friend. A hearty helping of fresh fruits and veggies can help keep your poop right along. Women should aim for 25 grams of fiber per day and men should aim for 38 grams per day.
- We know it's tempting, but please check your cell phones, tablets and other electronics at the bathroom door. In a recent study, 1 in 6 cell phones was found to be contaminated with fecal matter. Your status post can wait. #yuck
- If things aren’t moving as smoothly as you'd like, consider making some changes to your diet, establish an exercise routine and stay hydrated with plenty of water. These things will help you maintain a happy, healthy digestive tract.

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