Saturday, February 13, 2021


⭕ Tell Your KIDNEYS Never to Give Up:

✅ Keep fit and active.
♡ Exercise May Slow Kidney Disease Progression.
🔴 Which exercise is best for kidney?
● Walking
● Doing household chores
● Gardening
● Taking part in a sport
● Aerobic exercises
● Dancing
● Jogging
● Skiing
● Cycling
● Using exercise equipment like a treadmill or exercise bike
● Swimming
♡ Stretching before and after exercising helps to prevent injuries and strengthens your muscles and bones.
⭕ Best STRETCH Routine for KIDNEYS:

✅ Manage blood glucose levels.
🔴 What does diabetes do to the kidneys?
♡ With diabetes, the small blood vessels in the body are injured.
When the blood vessels in the kidneys are injured, your kidneys cannot clean your blood properly.
Your body will retain more water and salt than it should, which can result in weight gain and ankle swelling. You may have protein in your urine.
Also, waste materials will build up in your blood.

❌ Use of Nsaids and Painkillers.
♡ If you take OTC or prescription medicines for headaches, pain, fever, or colds, you may be taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).
NSAIDs include popular pain relievers and cold medicines that can damage your kidneys if you take them for a long time, or lead to acute kidney injury if you take them when you are dehydrated or your blood pressure is low.
⭕ Best NSAIDs Alternatives:

✅ Monitor your blood pressure.
Your kidneys play a key role in keeping your blood pressure in a healthy range. Diseased kidneys are less able to help regulate blood pressure. As a result, blood pressure increases. If you have CKD, high blood pressure makes it more likely that your kidney disease will get worse and you will have heart problems.

✅ V.L.P.D. Treatment.
♡ V.L.P.D. stands for Very Low Protein Diet.
Some high-protein diets include foods such as red meat and full-fat dairy products, which may increase your risk of heart disease. A high-protein diet may worsen kidney function in people with kidney disease because your body may have trouble eliminating all the waste products of protein metabolism.
⭕ This Treatment STOP CKD Stage 4 & 5 (VLPD Treatment):

❌ Salt and kidney disease.
♡ The Dietary Guidelines for Americans recommends limiting sodium intake to less than 2,300 mg per day. That's equal to about 1 teaspoon of salt!
A high salt intake has been shown to increase the amount of protein in the urine which is a major risk factor for the decline of kidney function. There is also increasing evidence that a high salt intake may increase deterioration of kidney disease in people already suffering from kidney problems.

✅ Fluid intake for the advanced stages of kidney disease.
♡ Patients with CKD should not “push fluids.”
Normal thirst-guided intake should determine water intake, unless there is a specific reason to increase fluid intake.
🔴 How much water should a person with kidney disease drink a day?
♡ The Institute of Medicine has estimated that men need approximately 13 cups (3 liters) of fluid daily, and that women need approximately 9 cups (2.2 liters) of fluid daily.
⭕ Drinks to Protect Your RENAL Health:

✅ Eat healthy and keep your weight in check.
🔴 What is VISCERAL FAT and why it is dangerous?
⭕ Visceral fat isn't visible:

❌ Smoking and alcohol harm your kidneys.
♡ Smoking slows the blood flow to important organs like the kidneys and can make kidney disease worse.
Regular heavy drinking has been found to double the risk chronic kidney disease.

🔴 Why are the kidneys important?
♡ Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys also remove acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in your blood.


🔴 Facebook group: 00kidney group

🔴 00Kidney on Facebook: health support for kidney dialysis

🔴 Instagram: 00kidney

🔴 Youtube: 00kidney
#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #chronickidneydisease #diabetes #highbloodpressure
#creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #00kidney #kidneycleanse


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