Wednesday, October 16, 2024


🔴 No KIDNEY Patient Will Ever Lose a Kidney Again (thanks to this)
🔥 Where Toxins Come From and Why They Harm Your Kidneys:
1. Meat (Animal Protein):
Toxins: Meat produces high levels of urea and creatinine during protein metabolism. These waste products build up in the blood when your kidneys can’t filter them properly.
Harm: Excessive intake of meat causes higher BUN levels and makes it harder for your kidneys to function. Additionally, red meats are high in phosphorus, which can worsen kidney damage.
2. Dairy:
Toxins: Dairy products are rich in phosphorus and protein, both of which can harm your kidneys when they build up in the blood.
Harm: Dairy can worsen hyperphosphatemia (high phosphorus levels), leading to bone disease and vascular calcification.
3. Packaged and Processed Foods:
Toxins: These foods often contain phosphate additives and sodium, both of which contribute to higher phosphorus and blood pressure.
Harm: The phosphorus from additives is absorbed more easily by the body, worsening kidney damage. High sodium increases blood pressure, which puts more stress on the kidneys.
4. Smoking and Second-Hand Smoking:
Toxins: Cigarettes contain toxins like nicotine, which damage blood vessels and reduce blood flow to the kidneys. Even second-hand smoke exposes you to these harmful chemicals.
Harm: Smoking accelerates kidney damage by narrowing blood vessels and worsening high blood pressure. It also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is closely linked to kidney health.
5. NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs):
Toxins: Drugs like ibuprofen and naproxen reduce blood flow to the kidneys, especially in people with existing kidney issues.
Harm: NSAIDs can cause kidney damage or acute kidney failure, especially if taken regularly over time. In CKD patients, these drugs further impair kidney function.

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