Follow me trough my journey to get off kidney dialysis
Monday, November 28, 2016
The Kidney Cleanse Tea
Monday, November 7, 2016
How to control high potassium levels with these 4 foods
In fact, eating what is considered to be an healthy diet for everybody else, can put your heart at risk.
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Monday, October 17, 2016
Is a vegetarian or vegan diet good for a kidney patient?
So, is a vegetarian or vegan diet good for a kidney patient? After watching this video, you’ll find out that the answer is pretty univocal.
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Thursday, July 28, 2016
Kidney infection symptoms and how they could lead to kidney disease
Urinary tract infection are very common - about half of people, in their life, have experienced the distress related to an urinary tract infection (UTI): urgent, frequent and painful urination. In most cases, kidney infections symptoms are caused by people trying alleviate UTI symptoms using home remedies.
If you ever got an urinary tract infection, like cystitis, you may understand why some people are tempted to just drink cranberry juice and hope for the better.
But the expert says this is not only dangerous, but can lead to a kidney infection, which can be really serious.
Health care providers suggest that a kidney infection is something that ALWAYS needs appropriate medical attention.
The reason for this is that - if not treated with proper medications - this type of infection can cause irreversible damage to the kidneys.
This could even lead to chronic kidney disease
The following symptoms of kidney infection are the most severe
• Discomfort and pain in the lower back
• discomfort and pain in the side
• discomfort and pain around the genitals
• feeling very weak or tired
• fever (temperature up to 39.5C or 103.1F)
• shivering or chills
• loss of appetite
• diarrhea
• feeling sick
These kidney infection symptoms could lead to kidney disease, so it is important not to underestimate them.
Kidney infections can be caused and can be simultaneous to cystitis or urethritis.
In this case there could be symptoms specific of these urinary tract infections
Specific symptoms of urinary tract infections are:
• sensation of burning during urination
• pain during urination
• Increase in the frequency of urination
• Persistent and strong urge to urinate
• Cloudy urine
• Smelly urine
• Blood or pus in the urine
• Difficulty emptying the bladder
• pain in your lower abdomen
Also there are greater chances for the bacteria to spread to the bloodstream, thereby causing life-threatening infection.
Pyelonephritis, which is commonly known as kidney infection is the term used for denoting a specific kind of UTI, is generally known to start at the urethra (but it can begin at bladder as well) and can reach the kidneys.
When it comes to treatment to kidney infections, antibiotics are generally prescribed and there are chances that hospitalization might be recommended.
When to seek medical help?
If you’re experiencing any of these kidney infections symptoms, it is better to seek medical help immediately.
Also in case you are already getting treated for kidney infection, but there are no improvements, it is better to fix up an appointment with your doctor.
The thing to remember here is that severe kidney infections can lead to life-threatening complications.
Thursday, June 16, 2016
I’m no longer on kidney dialysis
The program that helped me is made by Dr. Duncan Capicchiano, you can find it at this link
I am Michael Wright and what I want to tell you is
How I’ve reversed Kidney Disease for good

Today, I’m no longer on kidney dialysis.
After starting The Kidney Disease Solution program, it took me about two months to get out of dialysis. Today, after 3 years, living my life again, free from dialysis, still seems too good to be true.
I still need to do regular blood tests and check my conditions. Latest blood test showed another improvement in the condition of my kidneys.
My physician told me the holistic treatment I’m following has saved my whole life, not just my kidneys.
In the hope of giving back something to the people, I’ve opened my blog and a Youtube Channel to share my experience.

p.s. Always more people are asking me in the comments where to find Duncan Capicchiano's Beat Kidney Disease, the treatment that saved my life. In my opinion, the easier way to get it is downloading it directly from the website of Dr.Capicchiano.