Thursday, October 29, 2020


šŸ”“ š…šØšØš š¢š§š­šØš„šžš«ššš§šœšžš¬

● This is an individual's adverse physical response to a certain food, beverage, or ingredient.
Many people say they are “ššš„š„šžš«š š¢šœ” to foods when they are actually intolerant.
● Food intolerances usually occur when the gut reacts poorly to a specific food or ingredient used in food preparation.  Intolerances can result from the absence of an enzyme needed to fully digest a food, such as with lactose intolerance.

● š˜šØš®š« š š®š­ š›šššœš­šžš«š¢šš š©š„ššš² ššš§ š¢š¦š©šØš«š­ššš§š­ š«šØš„šž š¢š§ š²šØš®š« šØšÆšžš«ššš„š„ š”šžššš„š­š”, and disruption to the gut flora has been linked to a number of health problems.

šŸ”“ IMPORTANT STEP TO REPAIR YOUR KIDNEYS: tššš¤šž šœššš«šž šØšŸ š²šØš®š« š š®š­ š”šžššš„š­š”

šŸ”“ How to š’š“šŽš šˆšš…š‹š€šŒšŒš€š“šˆšŽš in the body and Kidneys:

šŸ”“ Here are 8 of the most common food intolerances:

● Cow's Milk
● Eggs
● Tree Nuts
● Peanuts  (almonds, walnuts, pecans)
● Shellfish (crab, lobster, shrimp)
● Wheat
● Soy
● Fish

šŸ”“ What is the š§š®š¦š›šžš« šŸ šŸšØšØš ššš„š„šžš«š š²?

● Shellfish is the most common food allergen in the U.S., affecting approximately 7 million adults, according to the study. Milk allergies affect nearly 5 million people, followed closely by peanut allergies, which affect about 5 million people.

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Monday, October 26, 2020

Chronic Kidney Disease

⬤ What is the Function of Our Kidneys?
✅ The kidneys are responsible for getting rid of waste products, drugs, and toxins through our urine.

⬤ Your kidneys also:

● Regulate electrolyte (salt) concentrations
● Regulate amount of fluid within the body
● Help regulate blood pressure
● Help maintain acid-base balance
● Produce hormones that affect blood and bones
● A kidney is composed of tiny units called nephrons
● Nephrons consist of glomeruli and tubules
● Glomeruli are small blood vessels that filter wastes and excess fluids
● Tubules collect the waste to form urine

⬤ Chronic Kidney Disease
❌ Kidney damage and decreased function that lasts longer than 3 months is called chronic kidney disease (CKD). Chronic kidney disease is particularly dangerous because you may not have any symptoms until considerable, often irreparable, kidney damage has occurred. Diabetes (types 1 and 2) and high blood pressure are the most common causes of CKD.

⬤ 6 Things People with Kidney Disease Should Do:

● Lower high blood pressure
● Manage blood sugar levels
● Reduce salt intake
● Avoid NSAIDs, a type of painkiller
● Moderate protein consumption
● Get an annual flu shot


● Exercise regularly
● Control weight
● Follow a balanced diet
● Quit smoking
● Drink only in moderation
● Stay hydrated
● Monitor cholesterol levels
● Get an annual physical
● Know your family medical history

⬤ Consider:
✅ How to Survive Kidney Disease:
✅ Top 10 Dangerous Symptoms of CKD:
✅ How to Use Potassium to Boost Kidney Health:
✅ How to Lower Creatinine Levels Fast:
✅ Foods For Kidney Patients:


#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #chronickidneydisease #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #00kidney

Sunday, October 25, 2020


⬤ What Are NSAIDs? - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
❌ Kidney Killer Pills:
❌ Bad Habits for your kidneys:

⬤ Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory are pills that reduces pain, decreases fever, prevents blood clots, and in higher doses, decreases inflammation.

❌ Examples of NSAIDs include:
● Aspirin
● Ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, Nuprin) Ibuprofen is an NSAID available in both OTC and prescription strengths.
● Naproxen sodium and naproxen (Aleve), etc.

❌ What is the safest Nsaid?
✅ Based on the most up-to-date evidence, ibuprofen appears to be the preferred NSAIDs based on its favorable GI and nephrotoxicity profiles. Naproxen might be considered in patients who have greater cardiac risk.

❌ NSAIDS and Chronic Kidney Disease
✅ People with chronic kidney disease are generally advised not to take NSAIDs, with the exception of aspirin (for cardiovascular indications). NSAIDs have been associated with acute kidney injury in the general population and with progression of disease in those with chronic kidney disease.

✅ Foods That Fight Pain
● Ginger
● Blueberries
● Pumpkin Seeds (if you suffer from CKD, potassium control)
● Salmon
● Turmeric
● Extra Virgin Olive Oil
● Chili Peppers
● Vitamin D, the most important Vitamin to protect your kidney health:
● green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, kale, and collards
● Nuts like almonds and walnuts.

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Thursday, October 22, 2020

Kidney-Friendly Foods

⬤ Grapes 100 grams = 191 mg POTASSIUM, GREAT FOR KIDNEY PATIENTS

✅ These sweet fruits are kidney-friendly. Grapes are high in resveratrol, a type of flavonoid that has been shown to benefit heart health and protect against diabetes.
✅ Grapes are an anti-inflammatory food.
✅ Packed With Nutrients, Especially Vitamins C and K, very High in Antioxidants and may Prevent Chronic Diseases.

⬤ Is Grapes good for skin?

✅ Grapes can help to revitalize your skin. In fact, they can even protect your skin from cancer-causing ultraviolet radiation and free radicals that can, on a lesser scale, cause wrinkles and dark spots.

⬤ Avoid Inflammation in your body and kidneys. Limit:

❌ Refined Grains and Sugars.
❌ Dairy Products.
❌ Fast Food.
❌ Foods Rich in Omega-6 Fats.
❌ Chocolate.
❌ Foods You're Sensitive To.
❌ Refined carbohydrates.
❌ Excessive alcohol.
❌ Processed meat.
❌ Artificial trans fats.

⬤ Anti-Inflammatory Foods:

⬤ Kidney Detox Foods:


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Monday, October 19, 2020

Green Tea and Kidney Disease - Protect Your Heart Health

✅ Top 5 Herbal Teas Home Remedies You Should Drink Every Day:
⬤ Drinking green tea can help you lose weight and reduce your risk of several diseases, including diabetes, heart disease and cancer.

⬤ Green Tea Health Benefits:

✅ Weight loss. It increases the metabolism.
✅ Diabetes. Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating.
✅ Heart Disease.Scientists think, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure.
✅ Cholesterol. Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.
✅ Tooth Decay. Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions.
✅ Blood Pressure and Kidney Disease. Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure and kidney disease.
✅ Depression. Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers.
✅ Anti-viral and Anti-bacterial.Tea catechins are strong antibacterial and antiviral agents which make them effective for treating everything from influenza to cancer. In some studies green tea has been shown to inhibit the spread of many diseases.
✅ Skincare.Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging.

❌ Potential risks of drinking green tea.
❌ There is caffeine in green tea. If you are sensitive to caffeine, then one cup a day should be your limit.

⬤ Maximize the Health Benefits

✅ You can try mixing green tea with other healthy ingredients such as ginger, a healthy and tasty beverage option.

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Sunday, October 18, 2020



● What is the importance of heart health?

✅ To maintain cholesterol and blood pressure

✖️ Besides a heightened risk for heart attack, stroke and heart failure, you're also more likely to develop peripheral artery disease, angina, vision loss and kidney disease or failure.

✖️ Eating steaks, sausages, and other red meats high in saturated fat could lead to a stroke. An elderly person who eats red meat is more likely to have an ischemic stroke because saturated fat causes blockages in blood vessels that supply blood to the brain.


✅ Try to limit saturated fats, foods high in sodium, and added sugars. Eat plenty of fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.
✅ The DASH diet is an example of an eating plan that can help you to lower your blood pressure and cholesterol, two things that can lower your risk of heart disease.
✅ Get regular exercise.
✅ Control high blood pressure (hypertension). Know your numbers and keep them low.
✅ Quit Smoking. Smoking raises the risk of stroke.
✅ Control diabetes.
✅ Drink alcohol in moderation.
✅ Drink water throughout the day.


✅ According to the American Heart Association, people who consume foods higher in potassium are less likely to have a stroke than those who consume less potassium-rich foods. ✅ Bananas are just one great example of a food packed with potassium.


✅ If you have CKD, here's a full Guide to SMART-POTASSIUM:

✅ Protect Your Heart Health with these Remedies:

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #stroke #highbloodpressure #diabetes #heartdisease #cholesterol #00kidney

Thursday, October 15, 2020

Exercise and Kidney Disease

⬤ Heart Pumping Activities? Your Cardiologist Says “Yes!”
⬤ How to Keep your Kidneys Healthy in 5 Steps:
⬤ Kidney Disease and Exercise

✅ Resistance exercise, even on a low-protein diet, has been shown to build muscle and strength in kidney patients. Cardiovascular and resistance exercise can help reduce morbidity and mortality, as well as improve quality of life, in patients with CKD.

⬤ Did you know?

✅ Getting your heart beating faster than it's resting rate each day trains your body to move oxygen and blood to your muscles more efficiently.
Like other muscles, your heart becomes stronger with regular physical activity.
What does this mean?
As your cardiovascular fitness improves, your heart muscle doesn't have to work as forcefully to pump oxygen-rich blood through your body.

⬤ Exercise may help prevent stroke by helping to reduce other risk factors, including high blood pressure and obesity.

⬤ The benefits of moving more are numerous and include:

✅ Strengthening the heart muscle.
✅ Better cholesterol - Improved HDL or “good” cholesterol.Lowering LDL or “bad” cholesterol.
✅ Lowering blood pressure.
✅ Improving kidney function.
✅ Improving your mood by reducing the risk or intensity of depression and anxiety.
✅ Supporting better sleep.
✅ Reducing stress.
✅ Improving balance and joint flexibility.
✅ Reducing inflammation - studies also have shown regular exercise reduces inflammation, which is associated with Type 2 diabetes.
✅ Slowing the aging process – increased blood flow improves the appearance of skin.
✅ Maintaining your weight and Body Mass Index (BMI).

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #highbloodpressure #highcholesterol #kidneyhealth #00kidney #strokeprevention

Monday, October 12, 2020

Tips to Prevent Chronic Kidney Disease

● How to Get Rid of Protein in Urine [PROTEINURIA] Naturally and Fast

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✖️ š’šžš„šŸ š¦šžšš¢šœššš­š¢šØš§ can offer several benefits such as reduced costs associated with doctor consultation and faster relief of symptoms, it is not a safe practice and can cause more harm than good to one's health.

✖️ š“šØšØ š¦š®šœš” š¬šØšš¢š®š¦ can be bad when you have chronic kidney disease (CKD).
The sodium and fluid can build up in your body, causing your blood pressure to rise and increasing damage to your kidneys.

✔️ People with chronic kidney disease can benefit from šžš±šžš«šœš¢š¬š¢š§š  š«šžš š®š„ššš«š„š² just like those without this condition.
Your quality of health can improve if you engage in activities that strengthen the muscles, bones, and joints in your body.

✔️ Kidney stones and urinary tract infections (UTIs) are two common medical conditions that can hurt the kidneys, and for which š šØšØš š”š²šš«ššš­š¢šØš§ š¢š¬ šžš¬š¬šžš§š­š¢ššš„.
šƒš«š¢š§š¤š¢š§š  šžš§šØš®š š” š°ššš­šžš« also helps produce more urine, which helps to flush out infection-causing bacteria.

✖️ š’š¦šØš¤š¢š§š  can affect medicines used to treat high blood pressure. Uncontrolled or poorly controlled high blood pressure is a leading cause of kidney disease.
Smoking slows the blood flow to important organs like the kidneys and can make kidney disease worse.

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #ckd #chronickidneydisease #kidneyrepair #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Side Effects of Drinking Soda

⬤ Top 5 KIDNEY KILLER Foods - Avoid Them to Keep Your Kidneys Healthy

⦿ Sugary drinks (also categorized as sugar-sweetened beverages or “soft” drinks) refer to any beverage with added sugar or other sweeteners (high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, fruit juice concentrates, and more). This includes soda, pop, cola, tonic, fruit punch, lemonade (and other “ades”), sweetened powdered drinks, as well as sports and energy drinks.

⦿ How sweet is it?
There are 4.2 grams of sugar in a single teaspoon.

⬤ Side Effects of Drinking Too Much Soda

❌ Obesity
❌ Diabetes
❌ Tooth Decay
❌ Receding Gums
❌ Excess Belly Fat
❌ Joint Pain
❌ Kidney Health Issues
❌ Heart Failure
❌ Stroke
❌ Unhealthy Eating Habits
❌ Cardiovascular Disease
❌ High Cholesterol
❌ Poor Gut Health
❌ Colorectal Cancer
❌ Aging
❌ Infertility
❌ Memory Loss
❌ Heart Lesions
❌ Migraines
❌ Dehydration
❌ Cellular Damage
❌ Allergies
❌ Depression
❌ Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
❌ Insomnia
❌ Blurred Vision
❌ Hair Loss
❌ Osteoporosis
❌ Bloating
❌ Heartburn
❌ Ulcers
❌ Erectile Dysfunction
❌ Brain Tumors

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Thursday, October 8, 2020

Processed Foods and Kidney Disease

šŸ”“ Processed Foods

✅ Food processing is the transformation of agricultural products into food, or of one form of food into other forms. Food processing includes many forms of processing foods, from grinding grain to make raw flour to home cooking to complex industrial methods used to make convenience foods.
A variety of different techniques are used to process food. Any food that's processed is usually frozen, canned, dried, baked, or pasteurized.

šŸ”“ What's considered a processed food?

✅ According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), processed food is defined as any raw agricultural commodity that has been subject to washing, cleaning, milling, cutting, chopping, heating, pasteurizing, blanching, cooking, canning, freezing, drying, dehydrating, mixing, packaging or other procedures.

šŸ”“ These 5 Cooking Mistakes Can DAMAGE Your Kidneys:

šŸ”“ Despite processed food's bad reputation, there are actually several items you can (and should) indulge in guilt-free.

✅ Yogurt
✅ Frozen Veggies
✅ Tomato Sauce
✅ How to Use Potassium to beat kidney disease:
✅ Sauerkraut
✅ Probiotics to boost kidney health:
✅ Chickpeas and canned Beans
✅ Oats, granola
✅ Veggie Burgers
✅ Unsweetened Almond Milk
✅ Organic Jelly
✅ Fortified Cereals
✅ Freeze-dried Fruit
✅ Pickles
✅ Dark Chocolate
✅ Ezekiel Bread
✅ Natural Peanut Butter
✅ String Cheese (mozzarella, cheddar, brie...)

šŸ”“ Dangerous Processed Foods for your body, heart, kidneys... you MUST avoid

❌ Bacon
❌ Chocolate Bars
❌ Flavored nuts
❌ Microwave popcorn
✅ There’s nothing wrong with popcorn (as long as you go easy on the salt and butter) and there’s nothing wrong with microwaving food. What’s so bad about microwave popcorn then?
It’s in the bag. Perfluoroalkyls are just one class of chemical found in microwave popcorn bags. Some studies have linked perfluoroalkyls with health problems as diverse as impaired kidney function and poor semen quality.
❌ Margarine
❌ Ketchup
❌ Instant ramen

šŸ”“ All things in moderation

✅ Processed foods aren’t a modern invention. They’ve been around since the first barrel of salt pork sailed across the Atlantic. They are convenient and give us access to foods that would otherwise perish in transit.
Enjoy them in moderation, and use common sense. Check the nutrition labels to avoid anything high in fats, sugars, and chemicals you can’t pronounce. Be sure to make fresh, simple ingredients the focus of your diet.

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Monday, October 5, 2020

Prediabetes - MUST KNOW

⬤ 7 Foods and Drinks to Avoid with Diabetes

1. Sugar-sweetened beverages
Sugary beverages are the worst drink choice for someone with diabetes.
2. Trans fats
Trans fats are found in margarines, peanut butter, spreads, creamers, and frozen dinners. Furthermore, food manufacturers often add them to crackers, muffins, and other baked goods to help extend a product’s shelf life.
Although trans fats don’t directly raise blood sugar levels, they’ve been linked to increased inflammation, insulin resistance, and belly fat, as well as lower levels of HDL (good) cholesterol.
3. Refined grains, rice, and pasta
Eating bread, bagels, and other refined-flour foods has been shown to significantly increase blood sugar levels in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
4. Sweetened breakfast cereals
Eating cereal can be one of the worst ways to start your day if you have diabetes.
Despite the health claims on their boxes, most cereals are highly processed and contain far more carbs than many people realize.
5. Flavored coffee drinks
Coffee has been linked to several health benefits, including a reduced risk of diabetes.
6. Packaged snack foods
Pretzels, crackers, and other packaged foods aren’t good snack choices.
7. French fries
French fries are a food you may want to steer clear of, especially if you have diabetes.
Deep-frying foods has been shown to produce high amounts of toxic compounds, such as advanced glycation end products (AGEs) and aldehydes. These compounds may promote inflammation in the body.

⬤ Top 5 FOODS for diabetic patients:

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Sunday, October 4, 2020

Lemon Water and Kidney Disease

✅ Is it a Good Kidney Cleanse?

Over the years many studies have shown that regular consumption of lemon water is not only good for the kidneys but for overall health.
People with kidney disease have to continually be cautious about the foods they eat and drink; the reason is that certain foods may cause harm to the kidneys.
When it comes to beverages, there is no question that water is the safest beverage.
However, some people, generally in later stages, with kidney disease amay have to limit the amount of water they drink or it can lead to water retention.

šŸ”“ Lemon water has three important benefits:

1) vitamin C protects the kidney from inflammation and free radicals;

 2) the extra fluid cleanses the kidney by removing the toxins;

 3) the acidity of the juice can help prevent the development of certain types of kidney stones.

šŸ”“ Maximizing the benefits of lemon water

For people with kidney disease who want to get the maximal benefits from lemon water, it is important to change lifestyle and this means doing the following:

● Do not smoke; nicotine has no health benefits and in fact, it is one of the most toxic substances.
● Control your blood sugars: if you have kidney disease, make sure that you are compliant with your diabetic treatments and maintain your sugar levels on the low side.
● Eat a healthy diet: it is important for people with kidney disease to eat a healthy diet. This means eating fruits, vegetables, a variety of nuts, whole wheat, seafood, and grains. It is important to limit the intake of red meat. Use unsaturated oil for cooking.
● Exercise: all individuals with kidney disease should try and remain physically active. The type of exercise is irrelevant; one can even walk as it is as good an exercise as any. The key is to perform physical activity regularly. Exercise has many benefits for people with kidney disease;
✅ It helps with weight loss.
✅ It lowers blood sugar.
✅ It drops blood cholesterol.
✅ It is associated with a lowering of blood pressure.
● Avoid alcohol: people with kidney disease should avoid alcohol as this beverage has no health benefits.

šŸ”“ How to beat Anemia:

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Thursday, October 1, 2020


šŸ”“ How to Prevent High Blood Pressure.

Maintaining a healthy blood pressure is very important because the higher your blood pressure is the higher your chances of having health issues are.

⚫ Eat a Healthy Diet.
Choose healthy meal and snack options to help you avoid high blood pressure and its complications.
⚫ Keep Yourself at a Healthy Weight. Having overweight or obesity increases your risk for high blood pressure.
⚫ Be Physically Active.
⚫ Limit the amount of sodium that you eat.
⚫ Stop Smoking.
⚫ Limit How Much Alcohol You Drink.
⚫ Get Enough Sleep.

What are the risks of high blood pressure?

⚫ Heart attack or stroke.
⚫ Aneurysm.
⚫ Heart failure.
⚫ Kidney Disease.
⚫ Thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes.
⚫ Metabolic syndrome.
⚫Trouble with memory or understanding.
⚫ Dementia.

šŸ”“ Top 5 Foods All Kidney Patients MUST Eat To Boost Heart/Kidney  Health:

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