Tuesday, March 25, 2025

🔴 WE WERE WRONG! This One High-Protein Food Actually REPAIRS Your Kidneys.

 🔴 WE WERE WRONG! This One High-Protein Food Actually REPAIRS Your Kidneys. https://youtu.be/QVqMLKr1jSU
Do amino acids repair the kidneys?
Is plant based protein the only safe protein?
Is vitamin D and K2 safe?
How much Omega 3s should you take?
Can you take sodium bicarbonate if you need to limit sodium?
Is white rice safer than brown rice?
Does rice spike your blood sugar?
What about Polycystic kidney disease?
- Facebook page: health support for kidney dialysis
- Facebook group: 00kidney group
- Youtube: youtube.com/00kidney
- Pinterest: 00kidney
- Instagram: 00kidney
- Tiktok and Telegram: katherine00kidney
⚫ How to contact me for a consultation, send an email to katherine@newhopeforkidneypatients.com
#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #foryou #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #00kidney

🔴 WE WERE WRONG! This One High-Protein Food Actually REPAIRS Your Kidneys.

 🔴 WE WERE WRONG! This One High-Protein Food Actually REPAIRS Your Kidneys. https://youtu.be/QVqMLKr1jSU

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #chronickidneydisease #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #ckd #00kidney

Sunday, March 23, 2025

🔴 This Destroys Kidneys | Why Are Doctors Still Prescribing It?

🔴 This Destroys Kidneys | Why Are Doctors Still Prescribing It? https://youtu.be/hQxKIZUkbO8
✅ Flush Kidney Toxins Out.
⚫ How to keep CREATININE Below 1.2mg/dL:
⚫ Contact me for a consultation, email me:
➡️ katherine@newhopeforkidneypatients.com ⬅️
and book an appointment.
#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #foryou #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #00kidney

🔴 This Destroys Kidneys | Why Are Doctors Still Prescribing It?


🔴 This Destroys Kidneys | Why Are Doctors Still Prescribing It? https://youtu.be/hQxKIZUkbO8

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #chronickidneydisease #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #ckd #00kidney

Saturday, March 22, 2025

💚 Hello Kidney Patients, a Friendly Reminder:


✌ The right doctor doesn’t just prescribe medications, they listen, they adapt, and most importantly, they work with you to find the best possible treatment plan.
✅ They should be willing to order the necessary lab tests, discuss your results with nuance, and support your efforts to improve with diet and lifestyle changes.
💚 A great doctor isn’t threatened by your progress, they celebrate it.
❌ So, don’t settle for outdated advice or resistance to proven treatments.
💪 Find a doctor who actually wants to see you win.
🔴 How to USE KETOANALOGUES to improve Kidney Function https://youtu.be/syYIay8hBbA

⚫ How to contact me for a consultation: http://nhfkp.com/katmail (or send an email to katherine@newhopeforkidneypatients.com )
(I have limited availability and I won't be able to do consultations with everyone BUT I WILL DO MY BEST)

- Facebook page: health support for kidney dialysis
- Facebook group: 00kidney group
- Pinterest: 00kidney
- Instagram: 00kidney
- Tiktok and Telegram: katherine00kidney

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #foryou #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #00kidney

Friday, March 21, 2025

🔴 Kidney Doctors Want Me Silenced! Patient Got 110% Kidney Function Back With This!

 🔴 Kidney Doctors Want Me Silenced! Patient Got 110% Kidney Function Back With This! https://youtu.be/syYIay8hBbA

⚫  How to contact me for a consultation: http://nhfkp.com/katmail (or send an email to katherine@newhopeforkidneypatients.com )
(I have limited availability and I won't be able to do consultations with everyone BUT I WILL DO MY BEST)

- Facebook page: health support for kidney dialysis
- Facebook group: 00kidney group
- Youtube: youtube.com/00kidney
- Pinterest: 00kidney
- Instagram: 00kidney
- Tiktok and Telegram: katherine00kidney

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #foryou #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #00kidney

🔴 Kidney Doctors Want Me Silenced! Patient Got 110% Kidney Function Back With This!


🔴 Kidney Doctors Want Me Silenced! Patient Got 110% Kidney Function Back With This! https://youtu.be/syYIay8hBbA

#kidneydisease #kidneyfailure #dialysis #chronickidneydisease #diabetes #highbloodpressure #creatinine #kidneyrepair #kidneyhealth #ckd #00kidney