Monday, July 29, 2019

The 4 Most Powerful Kidney Herbal Medicine To Improve Renal Health - Subscribe to 00Kidney

Where to find the herbs:
Nigella Sativa
Rosmarinic acid
Rehmannia glutinosa
Gymnema Sylvestre


In this video: the 4 most powerful herbal products to improve your renal health you’ve never heard about.
Each one of these herbal medicines will help with a specific renal problem and all of them have been proven to bring balance to your body.
Hello, how are your kidneys doing? this is Katherine, welcome to 00Kidney – don’t forget to like and subscribe and tap the notification bell to stay always updated!
I’m super excited to talk about this topic today, these 4 herbal remedies are very potent and still very little known.
And since these remedies are proven to work, I think that every kidney patient should know about them.
Following the principles of traditional medicine, herbal products are able to regulate some specific functions in the body without altering what’s already working.
This is why they have far less side effects than most modern drugs.
Herbal remedies are the oldest form of medicine. Today, they are still the most widely used form of medicine.
This could be because always more studies are confirming what Ayurveda and traditional Chinese medicine knew since thousands of years ago: herbal medicine works.
And this is a very good thing for us, renal disease patients usually respond especially well to the gentle action of herbs.
So, today I’m going to show you 4 very powerful herbal products you’ve never heard about.
Let’s start!
Number 4
Nigella Sativa
A plant in the family Ranunculaceae native in south and southwest Asia, nigella sativa is widely used as a medicinal plant all around the world.
The part of the plant with healing properties is the seed. Seeds are usually pressed to make oil.
Also known as black cumin, kalonji, nutmeg and roman coriander, this plant is considered by Islamic literature one of the greatest forms of healing medicine.
Traditional medicine uses nigella sativa to treat a wide array of diseases, including, dysentery, bronchial asthma, gastrointestinal problems and cardiovascular problems like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.
This herb doesn’t present any significant side effect, it has been studied thoroughly by today’s science.
Nigella Sativa is considered a miracle herb for a lot of good reasons.
It is especially interesting for us because it has been found out to help lowering blood pressure, the second leading cause of CKD.
As always, I’m only talking about this herb because the positive effects have been largely proven by independent studies.
A double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial shown that a dose of 2,5ml two times a day of nigella sativa oil can significantly decrease blood pressure.
Another study found out that a dose of 2 grams a day of nigella sativa seeds is a powerful adjuvant for diabetes therapy. There are even sources proving the efficacy of the anti-oxidant and antibacterial effects of this herb.
Nigella sativa is definitely a must for patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy and high blood pressure related kidney disease.
Number 3
Rehmannia glutinosa is one of the 50 fundamental herbs in traditional Chinese medicine.
Also known as Sheng Di huang and Chinese foxglove, this herb is considered a yin, blood and kidney tonic.
It has potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties.
This incredible herb has been successfully used to treat allergic, autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, including urticarial, asthma, arthritis and eczema.
Sheng Di huang is considered the most important Chinese herb for the disorders of the kidneys.
It has been used by the traditional Chinese medicine to treat the kidneys for centuries.
A recent study shown that the dried root of Rehmannia glutinosa can improve renal health in patients suffering from chronic glomerulonephritis.
When 200-mg capsules were administered twice a day, in combination with an antihypertensive drug, the test subjects showed a reduced proteinuria compared to the control group.
This means that the Chinese medicine was right and Sheng Di huang is actually able to help improving the health of our kidneys.
Number 2
Gymnema Sylvestre
Also known as Gurmar, this herb has been used in Ayurveda medicine for thousands of years to treat kidney related issues.
It is an anti-inflammatory, it can reduce cholesterol levels and has powerful renal protective effects.
But most of all, this incredible herb is a sugar destroyer.
Especially useful in case of diabetic kidney disease, Gymnema Sylvestre has been proven by clinical trials to work as a treatment for type 2 diabetes.
How? Gymnema Sylvestre can stimulate the production of insulin in the pancreas, regenerating the insulin-producing  islet cells.
This is exactly  the same effect that diabetes drugs are trying to achieve. Pharmaceutical companies are studying Gymnema Silvestre for this reason.
This herb has potent effects against diabetes, it can reduce cholesterol and can protect our cardiovascular system.
This is a very powerful combination since the health of our kidneys is strictly correlated to our cardiovascular health.
They’re the same system, you can’t improve your kidney function if you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol.
This is why alleviating these issues will give our kidneys the chance to heal and regenerate themselves.
And when diabetes is the number one cause of kidney disease, you may understand why I think that this herb is a must.
This herbal product is usually taken in capsules, but you can also get the leaves and make a tea.
Recommended dosage for diabetic nephropathy patients is a 400mg pill of extract once per day.
Number 1
Rosmarinic Acid is the active ingredient in Rosemary. It has one of the longest list of benefits we will ever find in a herb.
Rosmarinic acid can help with heartburn, various digestion problems, gallbladder problems, liver problems, age related memory loss, low energy, sunburn, headache, baldness, toothache, eczema, muscle pain and many other conditions.
Many of these benefits are due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects.
Rosmarinic acid can also relieve high blood pressure, fight diabetic kidney disease and slow down the progression of MPGN, a type of autoimmune disease that affects the kidneys.
There’s a study showing that Rosmarinic acid can protect from acute kidney injury.
These properties make Rosmarinic Acid especially interesting for kidney patients.
Recommended dosage is 2 capsules 2 times a day.
You can find all these herbal products on

I’ve put a link in description.

This was our last one for today! If you want to know more about herbal remedies, tell me in comment section!
This is all for today! If you liked this video, please like and share it. Thank you for watching!

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