Friday, June 26, 2020

Top 10 Causes of Deaths in the World - Number 3: RESPIRATORY DISEASES

Number 3: Respiratory diseases.

Respiratory diseases may be caused by infection, by smoking, or by breathing in secondhand tobacco smoke or other forms of air pollution.

Respiratory diseases include:

- asthma,
- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD),
- pulmonary fibrosis,
- pneumonia,
- and lung cancer.
Common Respiratory Disease Symptoms:
- Difficulty Breathing.
- Stubborn Cough.
- Breathing Noisily.
- Lingering Chest Pain.
- Chronic Mucus.
- Coughing Up Blood.

How is respiratory disease treated?

Depending on your respiratory condition, medications can include an assortment of inhalers, oral drugs and intravenous treatments. Your doctor should explain why specific medications are prescribed, and their potential benefits and side effects. Some examples include, by condition: Asthma.

Respiratory Diseases, if not treated properly, can cause:

- Low immune functioning.
- Adverse climatic conditions and intolerable air pollution.
- Presence of fungal, viral and bacterial infections.
- Death

How To Prevent Respiratory Diseases:

- STOP SMOKING. Smoking damages your lungs and increases your risk for a number of diseases including lung cancer and COPD.
- Avoid indoor and outdoor air pollution.
- Exercise regularly.
- Eat a healthy, balanced diet.
- See your doctor for an annual physical.

Avoid These Foods:

- Cold Cuts and processed food. Most cured meats such as bacon, cold cuts, ham, and hotdogs contain additives called nitrates.
- Excessive Salt. While a small pinch of salt cooked in a dish may be fine, a salt-heavy diet can be a problem.
- Dairy Products.
- Cruciferous Vegetables.
- Fried Foods.
- Carbonated Beverages.
- Acidic Foods and Drinks.

What foods help with breathing problems?

- Apples. Researchers have linked good lung function with high intakes of vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, all of which are present in apples.
- Walnuts. Walnuts are a great source of omega-3 fatty acids.
- Berries.
- Broccoli.
- Cayenne Pepper.
- Ginger.
- Garlic.
- Flaxseeds.

#respiratorydisease #lungcancer #asthma #pneumonia

How to Boost Your Immune System:

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