Sunday, March 14, 2021


 🔴 Did you know?

These berries have anti-inflammatory properties which are especially helpful for people with kidney diseases as they more prone to have inflammation.

🔴 Top Antioxidants Foods Great For the Renal Diet:

🔴 Top Foods to Eat for Kidney Patients:

🔴 Strawberries and blueberries:
Generally speaking, any person suffering from kidney disease is also more susceptible to heart disease. Both strawberries and blueberries contain strong antioxidants called anthocyanins which prevent any oxidative damage to the body, so toxin content remains low.
These berries also have anti-inflammatory properties which are especially helpful for people with kidney diseases as they more prone to have inflammation.

🔴 Raspberries:
According to studies conducted at the University of Rhode Island, kidney patients who consumed 120 mg of raspberry extract for 30 days showed less inflammation and cartilage damage, along with a slower breakdown of their bones than those who hadn’t. Raspberries have ellagic acid, a phytonutrient that helps protect the cells from damage. Apart from that, the super antioxidant dietary compounds called anthocyanins present in raspberries also boost heart health.

🔴 Cranberries:
Cranberries come packed with the right amounts of antioxidants and Vitamin C to prevent cardiovascular ailments like heart attack and stroke. It has also proved beneficial in lowering cholesterol and blood pressure for those suffering from chronic kidney disease. People with kidney disease and dialysis are often prescribed such berries since potassium levels in all berries are low.

🔴 Blackberries:
Dialysis treatment is intense, and more often than not, also leads to patients’ memory and coordination loss. Blackberries have been proven to encourage communication between brain neurons courtesy their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties along with Omega-3 fatty acid content.

🔴 Goji berries:
Goji berries act as nourishment for the kidney system as it’s active agents remove toxins from the body. Poor kidney function leads to accumulation of waste material in the body, so intake of goji berries helps in removal of oxygen free radicals and other such toxins so that the burden on the organ is considerably reduced.

🔴 Bottomline:
A nutrient-rich diet that consists of fruits, salads, pulses, whole grains, juices along with berries is enough to fight off any type of disease. It is advised to consume berries in moderation in order to reap the maximum benefits out of these miracle workers who keep you healthy from within and looking good on the outside.

🔴 Sources: Vikram Hospital


🔴 Facebook group: 00kidney group

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